Public health action

The effect of an intervention to promote isoniazid preventive therapy on leadership and management abilities.

Public health action

Christian C, Kakande E, Nahurira V, Balzer LB, Owaraganise A, Nugent JR, DiIeso W, Rast D, Kabami J, Peretz JJ, Camlin CS, Shade SB, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Chamie G

Increase in rifampicin resistance among people previously treated for TB.

Public health action

J. Izudi, F. Bajunirwe, A. Cattamanchi

Prevalence and interpretation of Xpert® Ultra trace results among presumptive TB patients.

Public health action

Chilukutu L, Mwanza W, Kerkhoff AD, Somwe P, Kagujje M, Muyoyeta M

Prevalence and interpretation of Xpert ultra “trace call” results among presumptive TB patients in Zambia

Public health action

Chilukutu L, Mwanza W, Kerkhoff AD, Somwe P, Kagujje M, Muyoyeta M

Diagnosed with TB in the era of COVID-19: patient perspectives in Zambia.

Public health action

Mwamba C, Kerkhoff AD, Kagujje M, Lungu P, Muyoyeta M, Sharma A

The sixth vital sign: HIV status assessment and severe illness triage in Uganda.

Public health action

Cummings MJ, Goldberg E, Mwaka S, Kabajaasi O, Vittinghoff E, Katamba A, Cattamanchi A, Kenya-Mugisha N, Davis JL, Jacob ST

Impact of mycobacterial culture among HIV-infected adults with presumed TB in Uganda: a prospective cohort study.

Public health action

Semitala FC, Chaisson LH, den Boon S, Walter N, Cattamanchi A, Awor M, Katende J, Huang L, Joloba M, Albert H, Kamya MR, Davis JL