UCSF Center for Tuberculosis

TB Research Boost Awards

Please note that the deadline has passed but this page will be updated with future opportunities (pending funding).


To Apply for a Boost Award | Allowable Expenses | Applicant Eligibility | Additional Requirements | Deadlines | Contacts

The UCSF Center for Tuberculosis TB Research Boost Award provides small grants with a rapid turnaround to support individuals within the UC TRAC (UCSF and UC Berkeley) TB research community. Funding for the TB Research Boost Award is provided by an Administrative Supplement to Recognize Excellence in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Mentorship to TB RAMP (R25 AI147375). This program provides reimbursement of direct purchases of $5,000 per award and encourages investigators who are underrepresented in health sciences, or who have overcome systemic barriers to apply (see Eligibility Criteria below). Four (4) TB Research Boost Awards are available in the Spring 2023. Future TB Research Boost Award opportunities will be contingent upon funding availability.

Awards made to individuals are intended to “boost” or enhance TB research productivity by providing timely crucial resources that cannot be easily obtained through other funding mechanisms. Funds are intended to be used to:

  • Enable a new TB research grant application that is expected to be submitted within the next 12 months;
  • Gather data needed for a TB research grant application that is being revised for resubmission;
  • Obtain supplemental data needed for a publication that is being revised for resubmission;
  • Reduce obstacles encountered during a currently funded research project;
  • Provide opportunities for training that would otherwise be unavailable.

Awards made to groups are intended to provide support for activities that benefit a segment of the local TB research community. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Support for a TB-research related conference, symposium, seminar, training, workshop, exhibit or other event of interest;
  • Funds for specialized shared equipment, software, or other technology. This includes requests for matching funds from UCSF necessary for institutional grant applications.

Other ideas may be eligible. Please email TBRAMP@ucsf.edu if you have a question about whether your idea could be funded.

To Apply for a Boost Award

  • Complete the fillable PDF Boost Award application form (that includes a description of the request and a budget and justification)
  • Email the following application materials to TBRAMP@ucsf.edu:
    • The completed Boost Award application form
    • Applicant’s NIH Biosketch
    • A link to the RFA/PAR if submitting for a new grant application
    • A copy of the reviewer’s comments/summary statement if submitting for a revise and resubmit on a grant or paper
    • A list of potential beneficiaries if submitting a group application

Allowable Expenses

Funds may be used for the following purposes:

  • Equipment (computers will only be considered under approved circumstances, must be necessary for the completion of the work, and costs should be shared across other benefitting projects);
  • Supplies (e.g., antibodies, RNA-Seq kits, cell culture supplies) or software (e.g., Dedoose, Stata, SAS, NONMEM, Posit Connect, etc.);
  • Study participant incentives or other items/services necessary for recruitment or retention;
  • Funds to support specimen acquisition;
  • Core services (including, but not limited to UC TRAC cores, CFAR cores, CTSI/other) biostatistical support, sequencing costs, bioinformatics support);
  • Event expenses (food allowable, but not including alcohol);
  • Travel support, if for one of the following purposes:
    • To meet with study personnel/collaborators at the study site;
    • To obtain necessary training or technical assistance;
    • To present the results of a previously funded TB RAMP award;
  • Publication fees;
  • Training course or workshop fees;
  • Poster printing;
  • International IRB fees;
  • Or additional purposes on a case-by-case basis with prior approval from UCSF Center for Tuberculosis and TB RAMP leadership.

Applicant Eligibility

  • The TB Research Boost Awards are subject to NIH funding restrictions.
  • The TB Research Boost Award is available to US permanent residents and citizens.
  • Early-stage, mid-career, and established investigators who are UCSF and UC Berkeley faculty and trainees engaged in TB research are welcome to apply.
  • URM investigators as defined by UCSF and/or NIH are encouraged to apply. Please indicate whether you identify as URM under the definitions above in the application.

Additional Requirements

  • In return for receiving support to assist their research program, recipients are expected to:
    • Be willing to mentor underrepresented minority (URM) early-stage investigator (ESI) applicants to RAP Awards for one year; and
    • Attend quarterly meetings with UCTRAC and UCSF Center for TB leadership for one year to provide feedback on the development of a DEIA roadmap.
  • Add language acknowledging support from the UCSF Center for Tuberculosis and TB RAMP (R25 AI147375) to all publications and conference abstracts/presentations supported by this funding mechanism.
  • All applications involving human or animal subjects must have IRB approval before funds will be released.
  • Award recipients and a description of their awards may be posted on the UCSF Center for Tuberculosis and UC TRAC websites.
  • Award recipients must provide a brief report on the outcome of the funding. See progress report here.
  • Funds must be spent within 6 months of award, except in the case of requests for matching funds from UCSF necessary for institutional grant equipment applications or other pre-approved exceptions.
  • Recipients are highly encouraged to participate in UCSF Center for Tuberculosis and UCTRAC events (including, but not limited to BATS Symposium, BATS Monthly Meetings, World TB Day).


Please note that the deadline has passed but this page will be updated with future opportunities (pending funding). Submissions will be reviewed by an internal committee comprised of UC TRAC and UCSF Center for Tuberculosis leadership and a decision made within three weeks.


We are committed to increasing the diversity of researchers focused on tuberculosis. Please email TBRAMP@ucsf.edu if you have a question about the TB Research Boost Awards.