The UC TRAC Developmental Core will be the principal vehicle used to attract and support new investigators (NIs) pursuing tuberculosis (TB) research and investigators wanting to enter the TB field through an active mentoring program and innovative developmental pilot awards program. The Developmental Core will support emerging scientific leaders in TB research via a platform of services to support a continuum of ideas to independence in TB research, offering mentoring, professional development, proposal support, and research funding. UC TRAC Developmental Core will support investigators by 1) offering a comprehensive structured career development program for NIs that is TB-specific and includes sustained mentoring; 2) offering peer-reviewed pilot awards to support innovative multidisciplinary research and help launch TB research science careers; 3) develop a community of practice for TB researchers that fosters equitable international research partnerships and mentoring in TB. These activities will be complemented with overarching development principles linking across Cores, including: (a) focus on team-science and multidisciplinary research; (b) commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, including addressing inequities that undermine TB science; and (c) an expansive vision for who/how we should be engaged with TB research. Through training, mentoring, and funding of awards, the Developmental Core will enhance and stimulate TB research conducted at UCSF, UCB, and our affiliated international sites and will attract and support the next generation of TB researchers.
Specific Aims:
- Mentoring program for New Investigators: TB Research and Mentorship Program (TB RAMP)
- Pilot research awards for NIs and those new-to-TB (available bi-annually in Spring and Fall)
- Investment in equitable research partnerships domestically and in high TB burden settings
TB Research and Mentorship Program (TB RAMP)
A two-year career development program for early-stage investigators at UCSF and UC Berkeley.
More information on TB RAMP here.
Next Deadline: TBA Spring 2025
Pilot Awards for Mentored Scientists in TB Research
Applications open to UCSF and UC Berkeley via the UCSF Resource Allocation Program (RAP):
- Mentored Scientists eligibility
- Team Science in TB eligibility (offered when funding is available)
Next Deadline: Sept - Oct 2024