Philip Hopewell, MD
I began my career as a consultant in TB control to the Nigerian government in the war-affected areas of eastern Nigeria. Later, my interest in TB control in developing countries was fostered by my work in the Pan-American Health Organization in 1980-1981 and with the Stop TB Partnership, based at the World Health Organization in Geneva in 2003. I have been on the faculty at UCSF, based at San Francisco General, since 1973, where I served as Chief of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine from 1989 to 1998 and Associate Dean 1998 to 2004. Today, I continue to practice clinical pulmonary and critical care medicine at San Francisco General Hospital, serving as an attending physician on the pulmonary consultation service and in the medical intensive care unit. I also provide consultation and technical assistance to the World Health Organization and numerous TB programs in high-burden countries. I am the founding director of the Curry International Tuberculosis Center, a CDC-funded model center that provides education, technical assistance and training in TB to domestic and international audiences. I am co-developer of the International Standards for Tuberculosis Care.
UCSF Center for Tuberculosis Leadership & Initiatives:
SMART4TB Lead, Capacity Strengthening