Chaz Langelier, MD, PhD
My lab employs metagenomic sequencing technologies to advance understanding of infectious and pulmonary disease pathophysiology, develop new diagnostics based on host and microbe transcriptional profiling, and track the transmission of pathogens during outbreaks. I am a co-investigator on an NIAID R01-funded study that is employing a novel combination of metagenomic next-generation sequencing coupled with a CRISPR/Cas9-based targeted enrichment method to detect TB and antimicrobial resistance genes in cerebrospinal fluid from patients with suspected TB meningitis while also performing longitudinal host transcriptional profiling to better understand TB meningitis pathogenesis. This work is being done in collaboration with Drs. Michael Wilson at UCSF, Dr. David Boulware at University of Minnesota, Dr. Emily Crawford at the CZ-Biohub and Drs. David Meya and Conrad Muzoora at the Infectious Diseases Institute at Makerere University in Uganda. I also collaborate with Laurence Huang at UCSF on a study leveraging Cas9 targeted sequencing methodology to understand etiology of pneumonia in HIV-positive Ugandan adults and assess novel genomic pulmonary TB diagnostics. In addition to my research activities, I am an attending physician in the UCSF Division of Infectious Diseases and serve as Associate Medical Director of UCSF Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Prevention.