Devan Jaganath, MD, MPH
My research is focused on diagnostics, biomarker discovery, data science and digital health to improve TB care, with a particular interest in childhood TB. I am part of the END Childhood TB Study in Kampala, Uganda to evaluate novel non-sputum, biomarker-based tests for pediatric intra-thoracic TB. In biomarker discovery, I am working to identify a urine-based proteomic biosignature for diagnosing childhood TB, and I am part of the COMBO study to examine other novel pathogen and host biomarkers for TB diagnosis in children. I also examine mobile and digital health innovations to improve TB diagnosis and monitoring, including the development of electronic medical record (EMR)-based tools to improve the screening and management of children with latent TB infection.
UCSF Center for Tuberculosis Leadership & Initiatives:
Chair/Lead, UCSF CTB Maternal and Childhood TB Initiative
SMART4TB UCSF Lead, Operational Research
TB RAMP Scholar | Class 2023
BATS Planning Committee 2023
World TB Day Planning Committee 2022-23
BATS Rising Star 2022