Felicia Chow, MD
My research focus is at the intersection of HIV and the brain, with a specific interest in HIV-associated cerebrovascular disease and TB meningitis. The goal of my work is to develop targetedinterventions to preserve neurological health in persons living with HIV in diverse settings. I am currently leading a phase 2 clinical trial investigating the pharmacokinetics of linezolid administered with high dose rifampin in the treatment of TB meningitis in persons living with HIV in Uganda. I am also involved in the development of an AIDS Clinical Trials Group multisite trial of high dose rifampin, high dose isoniazid, and linezolid to improve mortality and neurologic outcomes in TB meningitis, on which I serve in the role of co-chair. As a board-certified neurologist and neuro-infectious diseases subspecialist with formal fellowship training in infectious diseases, I maintain an active clinical practice in neurology and neuro-infectious diseases, attending on the neurology inpatient ward and consult service at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital. I also direct the UCSF Neuro-Infectious Diseases Clinic, a clinic embedded within the Infectious Diseases Clinic on the UCSF Parnassus campus, where we care for patients with a wide variety of neurological infections. In this capacity, I provide consultation for challenging management issues that arise in cases of central nervous system TB.