George Rutherford, MD, MA

Epidemiology & Biostatistics
+1 415 476-5781

My research interests are the epidemiology and prevention of infectious and tropical diseases of public health importance, both internationally and domestically, with a primary focus on HIV and AIDS. My work is funded primarily by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through the Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. I also have smaller projects dealing with the epidemiology of tuberculosis in California, the prevention of childhood injury, immunizations and bioterrorism. I am a member of the AIDS Research Institute's Executive Committee.


"We chose PrEP because I wanted to be sure that this child my wife was going to conceive was indeed mine." Factors influencing the choice of safer conception methods and experiences with its use: a qualitative study among HIV sero-discordant couples in Zi

BMC public health

Brown JM, Musara P, Gitome S, Chitukuta M, Mataveke B, Chirenda T, Mgodi N, Mutero P, Matubu A, Chareka G, Chasakara C, Murombedzi C, Makurumure T, Hughes CS, Bukusi E, Cohen CR, Shiboski S, Darbes L, Rutherford GW, Chirenje ZM, Mhlanga F

"First was to sit down and bring our minds together". A qualitative study on safer conception decision-making among HIV sero-different couples in Zimbabwe.

Sexual and reproductive health matters

Gitome S, Musara P, Chitukuta M, Mhlanga F, Mateveke B, Chirenda T, Mgodi N, Mutero P, Matubu A, Chareka G, Chasakara C, Murombedzi C, Makurumure T, Smith-Hughes C, Bukusi E, Cohen CR, Shiboski S, Darbes L, Rutherford GW, Chirenje ZM, Brown JM

Use of insect repellent as personal protection among women of childbearing age in an arbovirus endemic area in Northeastern Brazil.

Revista brasileira de epidemiologia = Brazilian journal of epidemiology

Dias LKS, Sanhueza-Sanzana C, Pinheiro Júnior FML, Martins AF, Correia FGS, de Aguiar IWO, Ferreira NC, Stolow J, Rutherford G, Teixeira MG, Pires Neto RDJ, de Almeida RLF, Coelho ICB, Frota CC, Kendall C, Kerr LRFS

Adjusting Incidence Estimates with Laboratory Test Performances: A Pragmatic Maximum Likelihood Estimation-Based Approach.

Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.)

Weng Y, Tian L, Boothroyd D, Lee J, Zhang K, Lu D, Lindan CP, Bollyky J, Huang B, Rutherford GW, Maldonado Y, Desai M, California Pandemic Consortium

Comparing frequency of booster vaccination to prevent severe COVID-19 by risk group in the United States.

Nature communications

Park HJ, Gonsalves GS, Tan ST, Kelly JD, Rutherford GW, Wachter RM, Schechter R, Paltiel AD, Lo NC

What North American retail food environment indices miss in Guatemala: Cultural considerations for the study of place and health.

Applied geography (Sevenoaks, England)

Chuvileva YE, Manangan A, Chew A, Rutherford G, Barillas-Basterrechea M, Barnoya J, Breysse PN, Blanck H, Liburd L

Programmatic Implications of National Recent HIV Infection Surveillance in Cambodia.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Suthar AB, Ouk V, Samreth S, Ngauv B, Bain R, Eng B, Hy C, Ernst A, Rutherford GW, Yang C, Ly V, Albalak R

Association of protective behaviors with SARS-CoV-2 infection: results from a longitudinal cohort study of adults in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Annals of epidemiology

Judson TJ, Zhang S, Lindan CP, Boothroyd D, Grumbach K, Bollyky JB, Sample HA, Huang B, Desai M, Gonzales R, Maldonado Y, Rutherford G, TrackCOVID Consortium

A geopositioned and evidence-graded pan-species compendium of Mayaro virus occurrence.

Scientific data

Celone M, Potter AM, Han BA, Beeman SP, Okech B, Forshey B, Dunford J, Rutherford G, Mita-Mendoza NK, Estallo EL, Khouri R, de Siqueira IC, Petersen K, Maves RC, Anyamba A, Pollett S

The epidemiology of HIV population viral load in twelve sub-Saharan African countries.

PloS one

Hladik W, Stupp P, McCracken SD, Justman J, Ndongmo C, Shang J, Dokubo EK, Gummerson E, Koui I, Bodika S, Lobognon R, Brou H, Ryan C, Brown K, Nuwagaba-Biribonwoha H, Kingwara L, Young P, Bronson M, Chege D, Malewo O, Mengistu Y, Koen F, Jahn A, Auld A, Jonnalagadda S, Radin E, Hamunime N, Williams DB, Kayirangwa E, Mugisha V, Mdodo R, Delgado S, Kirungi W, Nelson L, West C, Biraro S, Dzekedzeke K, Barradas D, Mugurungi O, Balachandra S, Kilmarx PH, Musuka G, Patel H, Parekh B, Sleeman K, Domaoal RA, Rutherford G, Motsoane T, Bissek AZ, Farahani M, Voetsch AC

Identifying pauci-/asymptomatic and unrecognized Ebola virus disease among close contacts based on exposure risk assessments and screening algorithms.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Gayedyu-Dennis D, Fallah MP, Drew C, Badio M, Moses JS, Fayiah T, Johnson K, Richardson ET, Weiser SD, Porco TC, Martin JN, Sneller MC, Rutherford GW, Reilly C, Lindan CP, Kelly JD

Preventing HIV and achieving pregnancy among HIV sero-different couples: Pilot study of a safer conception intervention in Zimbabwe.

PLOS Global Public Health

Brown JM, Gitome S, Mataveke B, Chirenda T, Matubu A, Chareka G, Chasakara C, Mgodi N, Murombedzi C, Musara P, Makurumure T, Hughes CS, Bukusi E, Cohen CR, Shiboski S, Darbes L, Kahn JG, Rutherford GW, Chirenje ZM, Mhlanga F

Social Network Analysis of Ebola Virus Disease During the 2014 Outbreak in Sukudu, Sierra Leone.

Open forum infectious diseases

Hazel A, Davidson MC, Rogers A, Barrie MB, Freeman A, Mbayoh M, Kamara M, Blumberg S, Lietman TM, Rutherford GW, Jones JH, Porco TC, Richardson ET, Kelly JD

Incidence and prevalence of COVID-19 within a healthcare worker cohort during the first year of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Doernberg SB, Holubar M, Jain V, Weng Y, Lu D, Bollyky JB, Sample H, Huang B, Craik CS, Desai M, Rutherford GW, Maldonado Y, CHART Study Consortium

Evaluation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Nucleocapsid Antigen in the Blood as a Diagnostic Test for Infection and Infectious Viral Shedding.

Open forum infectious diseases

Mathur S, Davidson MC, Anglin K, Lu S, Goldberg SA, Garcia-Knight M, Tassetto M, Zhang A, Romero M, Pineda-Ramirez J, Diaz-Sanchez R, Rugart P, Chen JY, Donohue K, Shak JR, Chenna A, Winslow JW, Petropoulos CJ, Yee BC, Lambert J, Glidden DV, Rutherford GW, Deeks SG, Peluso MJ, Andino R, Martin JN, Kelly JD

Magnitude and determinants of SARS-CoV-2 household transmission: a longitudinal cohort study.

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Daniel Kelly J, Lu S, Anglin K, Garcia-Knight M, Pineda-Ramirez J, Goldberg SA, Tassetto M, Zhang A, Donohue K, Davidson MC, Romero M, Sanchez RD, Djomaleu M, Mathur S, Chen JY, Forman CA, Servellita V, Montejano RD, Shak JR, Rutherford GW, Deeks SG, Abedi GR, Rolfes MA, Saydah S, Briggs-Hagen M, Peluso MJ, Chiu C, Midgley CM, Andino R, Martin JN

All-cause and cause-specific mortality rates for Kisumu County: a comparison with Kenya, low-and middle-income countries.

BMC public health

Waruiru W, Oramisi V, Sila A, Onyango D, Waruru A, Mwangome MN, Young PW, Muuo S, Nyagah LM, Ollongo J, Ngugi C, Rutherford GW

Infectious viral shedding of SARS-CoV-2 Delta following vaccination: A longitudinal cohort study.

PLoS pathogens

Garcia-Knight M, Anglin K, Tassetto M, Lu S, Zhang A, Goldberg SA, Catching A, Davidson MC, Shak JR, Romero M, Pineda-Ramirez J, Diaz-Sanchez R, Rugart P, Donohue K, Massachi J, Sans HM, Djomaleu M, Mathur S, Servellita V, McIlwain D, Gaudiliere B, Chen J, Martinez EO, Tavs JM, Bronstone G, Weiss J, Watson JT, Briggs-Hagen M, Abedi GR, Rutherford GW, Deeks SG, Chiu C, Saydah S, Peluso MJ, Midgley CM, Martin JN, Andino R, Kelly JD

Food insecurity and the risk of HIV acquisition: findings from population-based surveys in six sub-Saharan African countries (2016-2017).

BMJ open

Low A, Gummerson E, Schwitters A, Bonifacio R, Teferi M, Mutenda N, Ayton S, Juma J, Ahpoe C, Ginindza C, Patel H, Biraro S, Sachathep K, Hakim AJ, Barradas D, Hassani AS, Kirungi W, Jackson K, Goeke L, Philips N, Mulenga L, Ward J, Hong S, Rutherford G, Findley S

Factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 transmission in setting of high COVID-19 vaccination coverage: a case-control study.

American journal of epidemiology

Reid MJA, Bulfone TC, Blat C, Chen YH, Rutherford GW, Philip S, Gutierrez-Mock L, Nickerson A, Buback L, Welty S, Reingold A, Enanoria WTA

Outdoor Activities Associated with Lower Odds of SARS-CoV-2 Acquisition: A Case-Control Study.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Bulfone TC, Blat C, Chen YH, Rutherford GW, Gutierrez-Mock L, Nickerson A, Buback L, Welty S, Sokal-Gutierrez K, Enanoria WTA, Reid MJA

Clinical sequelae among individuals with pauci-symptomatic or asymptomatic Ebola virus infection and unrecognised Ebola virus disease in Liberia: a longitudinal cohort study.

The Lancet. Infectious diseases

Kelly JD, Van Ryn C, Badio M, Fayiah T, Johnson K, Gayedyu-Dennis D, Weiser SD, Porco TC, Martin JN, Sneller MC, Rutherford GW, Reilly C, Fallah MP, Moses JS

Unusual Interseasonal RSV Activity in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Anglemyer A, Rutherford G, Walls T, Maldonado Y

COVIDNearTerm: A simple method to forecast COVID-19 hospitalizations.

Journal of Clinical and Translational Science

Olshen AB, Garcia A, Kapphahn KI, Weng Y, Vargo J, Pugliese JA, Crow D, Wesson PD, Rutherford GW, Gonen M, Desai M

COVID-19 Vaccination and Estimated Public Health Impact in California.

JAMA network open

Tan ST, Park HJ, Rodríguez-Barraquer I, Rutherford GW, Bibbins-Domingo K, Schechter R, Lo NC

Interventions to reengage people living with HIV who are lost to follow-up from HIV treatment programs: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

PLoS medicine

Mirzazadeh A, Eshun-Wilson I, Thompson RR, Bonyani A, Kahn JG, Baral SD, Schwartz S, Rutherford G, Geng EH

Association of Lower Exposure Risk With Paucisymptomatic/Asymptomatic Infection, Less Severe Disease, and Unrecognized Ebola Virus Disease: A Seroepidemiological Study.

Open forum infectious diseases

Kelly JD, Frankfurter RG, Tavs JM, Barrie MB, McGinnis T, Kamara M, Freeman A, Quiwah K, Davidson MC, Dighero-Kemp B, Gichini H, Elliott E, Reilly C, Hensley LE, Lane HC, Weiser SD, Porco TC, Rutherford GW, Richardson ET

Risk factor targeting for vaccine prioritization during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Scientific reports

Chapman LAC, Shukla P, Rodríguez-Barraquer I, Shete PB, León TM, Bibbins-Domingo K, Rutherford GW, Schechter R, Lo NC

Performance of a novel rapid test for recent HIV infection among newly-diagnosed pregnant adolescent girls and young women in four high-HIV-prevalence districts-Malawi, 2017-2018.

PloS one

Agyemang EA, Kim AA, Dobbs T, Zungu I, Payne D, Maher AD, Curran K, Kim E, Kwalira H, Limula H, Adhikari A, Welty S, Kandulu J, Nyirenda R, Auld AF, Rutherford GW, Parekh BS

High Incidence of SARS-CoV-2 Within Incarcerated Populations and Possible Implications for Herd Immunity.

Journal of correctional health care : the official journal of the National Commission on Correctional Health Care

Xu J, Lim A, Rutherford G

Immunogenicity of rVSV?G-ZEBOV-GP Ebola vaccination in exposed and potentially exposed persons in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Hoff NA, Bratcher A, Kelly JD, Musene K, Kompany JP, Kabamba M, Mbala-Kingebeni P, Dighero-Kemp B, Kocher G, Elliott E, Reilly C, Halbrook M, Ilunga Kebela B, Gadoth A, Ngoie Mwamba G, Tambu M, McIlwain DR, Mukadi P, Hensley LE, Ahuka-Mundeke S, Rutherford GW, Muyembe-Tamfum JJ, Rimoin AW

A post-outbreak assessment of exposure proximity and Ebola virus disease-related stigma among community members in Kono District, Sierra Leone: A cross-sectional study.

SSM. Mental health

Davidson MC, Lu S, Barrie MB, Freeman A, Mbayoh M, Kamara M, Tsai AC, Crea T, Rutherford GW, Weiser SD, Kelly JD

Covidseeker: A Geospatial Temporal Surveillance Tool.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Hswen Y, Yom-Tov E, Murti V, Narsing N, Prasad S, Rutherford GW, Bibbins-Domingo K

A systematic review and meta-analysis of the potential non-human animal reservoirs and arthropod vectors of the Mayaro virus.

PLoS neglected tropical diseases

Celone M, Okech B, Han BA, Forshey BM, Anyamba A, Dunford J, Rutherford G, Mita-Mendoza NK, Estallo EL, Khouri R, de Siqueira IC, Pollett S

Race-ethnicity and COVID-19 Vaccination Beliefs and Intentions: A Cross-Sectional Study among the General Population in the San Francisco Bay Area.


Weng Y, Lu D, Bollyky J, Jain V, Desai M, Lindan C, Boothroyd D, Judson T, Doernberg SB, Holubar M, Sample H, Huang B, Maldonado Y, Rutherford GW, Grumbach K

Design of a population-based longitudinal cohort study of SARS-CoV-2 incidence and prevalence among adults in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Annals of epidemiology

Lindan CP, Desai M, Boothroyd D, Judson T, Bollyky J, Sample H, Weng Y, Cheng Y, Dahlen A, Hedlin H, Grumbach K, Henne J, Garcia S, Gonzales R, Craik CS, Maldonado Y, Rutherford G

Safe reopening of college campuses during COVID-19: The University of California experience in Fall 2020.

PloS one

Pollock BH, Kilpatrick AM, Eisenman DP, Elton KL, Rutherford GW, Boden-Albala BM, Souleles DM, Polito LE, Martin NK, Byington CL

Triangulating Evidence to Infer Pathways that Influence Ebola Virus Disease-Related Stigma and Clinical Findings among Survivors: An Observational Cohort Study.

The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene

Kelly JD, Badio M, Drew C, Wilson B, Cooper JB, Glayweon M, Johnson K, Moses SJ, Dennis D, Torres JM, Oldenburg C, Davidson M, Huang CY, Steward WT, Sneller MC, Rutherford GW, Reilly C, Fallah MP, Weiser SD

High Completion of COVID-19 Vaccination Among Health Care Workers Despite Initial Self-Reported Vaccine Reluctance.

Open forum infectious diseases

Jain V, Doernberg SB, Holubar M, Huang B, Bollyky J, Sample H, Weng Y, Lu D, Desai M, Maldonado Y, Rutherford G

Migration in Namibia and its association with HIV acquisition and treatment outcomes.

PloS one

Low A, Sachathep K, Rutherford G, Nitschke AM, Wolkon A, Banda K, Miller LA, Solmo C, Jackson K, Patel H, McCracken S, Findley S, Mutenda N

Clarification regarding Outdoor Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and Other Respiratory Viruses, a Systematic Review.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Razani N, Malekinejad M, Rutherford GW

Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures.

Annals of internal medicine

Spinelli MA, Glidden DV, Gennatas ED, Rutherford GW, Gandhi M

High HIV prevalence among decedents received by two high-volume mortuaries in Kisumu, western Kenya, 2019.

PloS one

Onyango DO, van der Sande MAB, Musingila P, Kinywa E, Opollo V, Oyaro B, Nyakeriga E, Waruru A, Waruiru W, Mwangome M, Macharia T, Young PW, Junghae M, Ngugi C, De Cock KM, Rutherford GW

Experiences and lessons learned from the real-world implementation of an HIV recent infection testing algorithm in three routine service-delivery settings in Kenya and Zimbabwe.

BMC health services research

de Wit MM, Rice B, Risher K, Welty S, Waruiru W, Magutshwa S, Motoku J, Kwaro D, Ochieng B, Reniers G, Cowan F, Rutherford G, Hargreaves JR, Murphy G

Co-infection, SARS-CoV-2 and influenza: an evolving puzzle.

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Covin S, Rutherford GW

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: the race to trace: contact tracing scale-up in San Francisco-early lessons learned.

Journal of public health policy

Reid M, Enanoria W, Stoltey J, Philip S, Fuchs J, Lockwood A, Krueger E, White K, Celentano J, Rutherford G, Scheer S, Nguyen T, Sachdev D

Routine asymptomatic testing strategies for airline travel during the COVID-19 pandemic: a simulation study.

The Lancet. Infectious diseases

Kiang MV, Chin ET, Huynh BQ, Chapman LAC, Rodríguez-Barraquer I, Greenhouse B, Rutherford GW, Bibbins-Domingo K, Havlir D, Basu S, Lo NC

Outdoor Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and Other Respiratory Viruses, a Systematic Review.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Bulfone TC, Malekinejad M, Rutherford GW, Razani N

Importance of non-pharmaceutical interventions in lowering the viral inoculum to reduce susceptibility to infection by SARS-CoV-2 and potentially disease severity.

The Lancet. Infectious diseases

Spinelli MA, Glidden DV, Gennatas ED, Bielecki M, Beyrer C, Rutherford G, Chambers H, Goosby E, Gandhi M

Recommendations for Demonstrators, Law Enforcement Agencies, and Public Health Agencies for Reducing SARS-CoV-2 Transmission During Civil Protests.

Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974)

Eisenman DP, Wiley DJ, Pollock BH, Rutherford GW, Rimoin AW, Bibbins-Domingo K, Checkoway H, Hurd T, Waters CM, Dawson-Rose C

COVID-19 Susceptibility and Outcomes among People Living with HIV in San Francisco.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Sachdev D, Mara E, Hsu L, Scheer S, Rutherford G, Enanoria W, Gandhi M

Correction to: Behind bars: the burden of being a woman in Brazilian prisons.

BMC international health and human rights

de Araújo PF, Kerr LRFS, Kendall C, Rutherford GW, Seal DW, da Justa Pires Neto R, da Costa Pinheiro PN, Galvão MTG, Araújo LF, Pinheiro FML, da Silva AZ

Routine asymptomatic testing strategies for airline travel during the COVID-19 pandemic: a simulation analysis.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Kiang MV, Chin ET, Huynh BQ, Chapman LAC, Rodríguez-Barraquer I, Greenhouse B, Rutherford GW, Bibbins-Domingo K, Havlir D, Basu S, Lo NC

The impact of different types of violence on Ebola virus disease transmission during the 2018-2020 outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Kelly JD, Wannier SR, Sinai C, Moe CA, Hoff NA, Blumberg S, Selo B, Mossoko M, Chowell-Puente G, Jones JH, Okitolonda-Wemakoy E, Rutherford GW, Lietman TM, Muyembe-Tamfum JJ, Rimoin AW, Porco TC, Richardson ET

Behind bars: the burden of being a woman in Brazilian prisons.

BMC international health and human rights

de Araújo PF, Kerr LRFS, Kendall C, Rutherford GW, Seal DW, da Justa Pires Neto R, da Costa Pinheiro PN, Galvão MTG, Araújo LF, Pinheiro FML, da Silva AZ

Facial Masking for Covid-19. Reply.

The New England journal of medicine

Gandhi M, Rutherford GW

Association of neighborhood parks with child health in the United States.

Preventive medicine

Reuben A, Rutherford G, James J, Razani N

How History of Medicine Helps Us Understand COVID-19 Challenges.

Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974)

Dolan B, Rutherford G

Facial Masking for Covid-19 - Potential for "Variolation" as We Await a Vaccine.

The New England journal of medicine

Gandhi M, Rutherford GW

HIV Care Continuum and Meeting 90-90-90 Targets: Cascade of Care Analyses of a U.S. Military Cohort.

Military medicine

Anglemyer A, Haber N, Noiman A, Rutherford G, Ganesan A, Blaylock J, Okulicz J, Maves RC, Lalani T, Schofield C, Mancuso J, Agan BK

Will Coronavirus Disease 2019 Become Seasonal?

The Journal of infectious diseases

Kanzawa M, Spindler H, Anglemyer A, Rutherford GW

Estimation of effects of contact tracing and mask adoption on COVID-19 transmission in San Francisco: a modeling study.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Worden L, Wannier R, Blumberg S, Ge AY, Rutherford GW, Porco TC

Can HIV recent infection surveillance help us better understand where primary prevention efforts should be targeted? Results of three pilots integrating a recent infection testing algorithm into routine programme activities in Kenya and Zimbabwe.

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Rice BD, de Wit M, Welty S, Risher K, Cowan FM, Murphy G, Chabata ST, Waruiru W, Magutshwa S, Motoku J, Kwaro D, Ochieng B, Reniers G, Rutherford G

Brief Report: Recent HIV Infection Surveillance in Routine HIV Testing in Nairobi, Kenya: A Feasibility Study.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Welty S, Motoku J, Muriithi C, Rice B, de Wit M, Ashanda B, Waruiru W, Mirjahangir J, Kingwara L, Bauer R, Njoroge D, Karimi J, Njoroge A, Rutherford GW

Screening for Park Access during a Primary Care Social Determinants Screen.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Razani N, Long D, Hessler D, Rutherford GW, Gottlieb LM

Lifetime Syphilis Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors Among Female Prisoners in Brazil.

Sexually transmitted diseases

da Silva Santana R, Kerr L, Mota RS, Kendall C, Rutherford G, McFarland W

The Association of Knowledge, Attitudes and Access with Park Use before and after a Park-Prescription Intervention for Low-Income Families in the U.S.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Razani N, Hills NK, Thompson D, Rutherford GW

Economic compensation interventions to increase uptake of voluntary medical male circumcision for HIV prevention: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

PloS one

Kennedy CE, Yeh PT, Atkins K, Fonner VA, Sweat MD, O'Reilly KR, Rutherford GW, Baggaley R, Samuelson J

Service delivery interventions to increase uptake of voluntary medical male circumcision for HIV prevention: A systematic review.

PloS one

Atkins K, Yeh PT, Kennedy CE, Fonner VA, Sweat MD, O'Reilly KR, Baggaley R, Rutherford GW, Samuelson J

Challenges to generating political prioritization for adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Kenya: A qualitative study.

PloS one

Onono MA, Brindis CD, White JS, Goosby E, Okoro DO, Bukusi EA, Rutherford GW

Projections of epidemic transmission and estimation of vaccination impact during an ongoing Ebola virus disease outbreak in Northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo, as of Feb. 25, 2019.

PLoS neglected tropical diseases

Worden L, Wannier R, Hoff NA, Musene K, Selo B, Mossoko M, Okitolonda-Wemakoy E, Muyembe Tamfum JJ, Rutherford GW, Lietman TM, Rimoin AW, Porco TC, Kelly JD

Estimating the impact of violent events on transmission in Ebola virus disease outbreak, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2018-2019.


Wannier SR, Worden L, Hoff NA, Amezcua E, Selo B, Sinai C, Mossoko M, Njoloko B, Okitolonda-Wemakoy E, Mbala-Kingebeni P, Ahuka-Mundeke S, Muyembe-Tamfum JJ, Richardson ET, Rutherford GW, Jones JH, Lietman TM, Rimoin AW, Porco TC, Kelly JD

Real-time predictions of the 2018-2019 Ebola virus disease outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo using Hawkes point process models.


Kelly JD, Park J, Harrigan RJ, Hoff NA, Lee SD, Wannier R, Selo B, Mossoko M, Njoloko B, Okitolonda-Wemakoy E, Mbala-Kingebeni P, Rutherford GW, Smith TB, Ahuka-Mundeke S, Muyembe-Tamfum JJ, Rimoin AW, Schoenberg FP

Immunization coverage among refugee children in Berlin.

Journal of global health

Fozouni L, Weber C, Lindner AK, Rutherford GW

Clinic and park partnerships for childhood resilience: A prospective study of park prescriptions.

Health & place

Razani N, Niknam K, Wells NM, Thompson D, Hills NK, Kennedy G, Gilgoff R, Rutherford GW

Neurological, Cognitive, and Psychological Findings Among Survivors of Ebola Virus Disease From the 1995 Ebola Outbreak in Kikwit, Democratic Republic of Congo: A Cross-sectional Study.

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Kelly JD, Hoff NA, Spencer D, Musene K, Bramble MS, McIlwain D, Okitundu D, Porco TC, Rutherford GW, Glymour MM, Bjornson Z, Mukadi P, Okitolonda-Wemakoy E, Nolan GP, Muyembe-Tamfum JJ, Rimoin AW

The Continuing Value of CD4 Cell Count Monitoring for Differential HIV Care and Surveillance.

JMIR public health and surveillance

Rice B, Boulle A, Schwarcz S, Shroufi A, Rutherford G, Hargreaves J

Projections of Ebola outbreak size and duration with and without vaccine use in Équateur, Democratic Republic of Congo, as of May 27, 2018.

PloS one

Kelly JD, Worden L, Wannier SR, Hoff NA, Mukadi P, Sinai C, Ackley S, Chen X, Gao D, Selo B, Mossoko M, Okitolonda-Wemakoy E, Richardson ET, Rutherford GW, Lietman TM, Muyembe-Tamfum JJ, Rimoin AW, Porco TC

Primary HIV prevention in pregnant and lactating Ugandan women: A randomized trial.

PloS one

Homsy J, King R, Bannink F, Namukwaya Z, Vittinghof E, Amone A, Ojok F, Rukundo G, Amama S, Etima J, Matovu J, Weissglas F, Ojom L, Atim P, Darbes L, Byamugisha J, Rutherford G, Katabira E, Fowler MG

Does prior dengue virus exposure worsen clinical outcomes of Zika virus infection? A systematic review, pooled analysis and lessons learned.

PLoS neglected tropical diseases

Masel J, McCracken MK, Gleeson T, Morrison B, Rutherford G, Imrie A, Jarman RG, Koren M, Pollett S

Overdose mortality rates in Croatia and factors associated with self-reported drug overdose among persons who inject drugs in three Croatian cities.

The International journal on drug policy

Handanagic S, Bozicevic I, Sekerija M, Rutherford GW, Begovac J

Supportive interventions to improve retention on ART in people with HIV in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review.

PloS one

Penn AW, Azman H, Horvath H, Taylor KD, Hickey MD, Rajan J, Negussie EK, Doherty M, Rutherford GW

Disclosure and Clinical Outcomes Among Young Adolescents Living With HIV in Kenya.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Ngeno B, Waruru A, Inwani I, Nganga L, Wangari EN, Katana A, Gichangi A, Mwangi A, Mukui I, Rutherford GW

Primary antifungal prophylaxis for cryptococcal disease in HIV-positive people.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Awotiwon AA, Johnson S, Rutherford GW, Meintjes G, Eshun-Wilson I

Understanding why HIV-infected persons disengaged from pre-ART care in Freetown, Sierra Leone: a qualitative study.

AIDS care

Kelly JD, Hickey MD, Schlough GW, Conteh S, Sesay M, Rutherford GW, Giordano TP, Weiser SD

Bisexual and Bidirectional: Assessing the Potential for HIV Bridging in Mozambique.

AIDS and behavior

Cummings B, Horth R, McFarland W, Lane T, Young PW, Nalá R, Rutherford G, Raymond HF

Mortality Rate and Predictors in Children Under 15 Years Old Who Acquired HIV from Mother to Child Transmission in Paraguay.

AIDS and behavior

Aguilar G, Miranda AE, Rutherford GW, Munoz S, Hills N, Samudio T, Galeano F, Kawabata A, González CMR

Strengthening Routine Data Systems to Track the HIV Epidemic and Guide the Response in Sub-Saharan Africa.

JMIR public health and surveillance

Rice B, Boulle A, Baral S, Egger M, Mee P, Fearon E, Reniers G, Todd J, Schwarcz S, Weir S, Rutherford G, Hargreaves J

Anatomy of a Hotspot: Chain and Seroepidemiology of Ebola Virus Transmission, Sukudu, Sierra Leone, 2015-16.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Kelly JD, Barrie MB, Mesman AW, Karku S, Quiwa K, Drasher M, Schlough GW, Dierberg K, Koedoyoma S, Lindan CP, Jones JH, Chamie G, Worden L, Greenhouse B, Weiser SD, Porco TC, Rutherford GW, Richardson ET

Food Insecurity as a Risk Factor for Outcomes Related to Ebola Virus Disease in Kono District, Sierra Leone: A Cross-Sectional Study.

The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene

Kelly JD, Richardson ET, Drasher M, Barrie MB, Karku S, Kamara M, Hann K, Dierberg K, Hubbard A, Lindan CP, Farmer PE, Rutherford GW, Weiser SD

Modes of HIV transmission among adolescents and young adults aged 10-24 years in Kenya.

International journal of STD & AIDS

Ng'eno BN, Kellogg TA, Kim AA, Mwangi A, Mwangi M, Wamicwe J, Rutherford GW

Effect of park prescriptions with and without group visits to parks on stress reduction in low-income parents: SHINE randomized trial.

PloS one

Razani N, Morshed S, Kohn MA, Wells NM, Thompson D, Alqassari M, Agodi A, Rutherford GW

Low bone mineral density among HIV-infected patients in Brazil.

Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sao Paulo

Chaba DCDS, Soares LR, Pereira RMR, Rutherford GW, Assone T, Takayama L, Fonseca LAM, Duarte AJS, Casseb J

Internet-based biosurveillance methods for vector-borne diseases: Are they novel public health tools or just novelties?

PLoS neglected tropical diseases

Pollett S, Althouse BM, Forshey B, Rutherford GW, Jarman RG

HIV and hepatitis B and C co-infection among people who inject drugs in Zanzibar.

BMC public health

Khatib A, Matiko E, Khalid F, Welty S, Ali A, Othman A, Haji S, Dahoma M, Rutherford G

Refining Current Scientific Priorities and Identifying New Scientific Gaps in HIV-Related Heart, Lung, Blood, and Sleep Research.

AIDS research and human retroviruses

Twigg HL, Crystal R, Currier J, Ridker P, Berliner N, Kiem HP, Rutherford G, Zou S, Glynn S, Wong R, Peprah E, Engelgau M, Creazzo T, Colombini-Hatch S, Caler E

Is 90-90-90 achievable?

The lancet. HIV

Rutherford GW, Anglemyer A

Minimally Symptomatic Infection in an Ebola 'Hotspot': A Cross-Sectional Serosurvey.

PLoS neglected tropical diseases

Richardson ET, Kelly JD, Barrie MB, Mesman AW, Karku S, Quiwa K, Marsh RH, Koedoyoma S, Daboh F, Barron KP, Grady M, Tucker E, Dierberg KL, Rutherford GW, Barry M, Jones JH, Murray MB, Farmer PE

Evaluating Google Flu Trends in Latin America: Important Lessons for the Next Phase of Digital Disease Detection.

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Pollett S, Boscardin WJ, Azziz-Baumgartner E, Tinoco YO, Soto G, Romero C, Kok J, Biggerstaff M, Viboud C, Rutherford GW

Cefazolin versus Nafcillin for Methicillin-Sensitive Staphylococcus aureus Bloodstream Infection in a California Tertiary Medical Center.

Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy

Pollett S, Baxi SM, Rutherford GW, Doernberg SB, Bacchetti P, Chambers HF

Detectable HIV Viral Load in Kenya: Data from a Population-Based Survey.

PloS one

Cherutich P, Kim AA, Kellogg TA, Sherr K, Waruru A, De Cock KM, Rutherford GW

Evaluation of Kenya's readiness to transition from sentinel surveillance to routine HIV testing for antenatal clinic-based HIV surveillance.

BMC infectious diseases

Sirengo M, Rutherford GW, Otieno-Nyunya B, Kellogg TA, Kimanga D, Muraguri N, Umuro M, Mirjahangir J, Stein E, Ndisha M, Kim AA

Gestational dating by metabolic profile at birth: a California cohort study.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL, Norton ME, Baer RJ, Santos N, Rutherford GW

Feasibility and effectiveness of a brief, intensive phylogenetics workshop in a middle-income country.

International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

Pollett S, Leguia M, Nelson MI, Maljkovic Berry I, Rutherford G, Bausch DG, Kasper M, Jarman R, Melendrez M

Validating the Use of Google Trends to Enhance Pertussis Surveillance in California.

PLoS currents

Pollett S, Wood N, Boscardin WJ, Bengtsson H, Schwarcz S, Harriman K, Winter K, Rutherford G

Misclassification of men with reported HIV infection in Ukraine.

AIDS and behavior

Cakalo JI, Božicevic I, Vitek C, Mandel JS, Salyuk T, Rutherford GW

Social network analysis identified central outcomes for core outcome sets using systematic reviews of HIV/AIDS.

Journal of clinical epidemiology

Saldanha IJ, Li T, Yang C, Ugarte-Gil C, Rutherford GW, Dickersin K

Enhancing Maternal and Child Health using a Combined Mother & Child Health Booklet in Kenya.

Journal of tropical pediatrics

Mudany MA, Sirengo M, Rutherford GW, Mwangi M, Nganga LW, Gichangi A

High HIV prevalence in a respondent-driven sampling survey of injection drug users in Tehran, Iran.

AIDS and behavior

Malekinejad M, Mohraz M, Razani N, Akbari G, McFarland W, Khairandish P, Malekafzali H, Gouya MM, Zarghami A, Rutherford GW

Call for a California coccidioidomycosis consortium to face the top ten challenges posed by a recalcitrant regional disease.


Thompson GR, Stevens DA, Clemons KV, Fierer J, Johnson RH, Sykes J, Rutherford G, Peterson M, Taylor JW, Chaturvedi V

Slowing of the HIV epidemic in Ukraine: evidence from case reporting and key population surveys, 2005-2012.

PloS one

Vitek CR, Cakalo JI, Kruglov YV, Dumchev KV, Salyuk TO, Božicevic I, Baughman AL, Spindler HH, Martsynovska VA, Kobyshcha YV, Abdul-Quader AS, Rutherford GW

High-risk motorcycle taxi drivers in the HIV/AIDS era: a respondent-driven sampling survey in Kampala, Uganda.

International journal of STD & AIDS

Lindan CP, Anglemyer A, Hladik W, Barker J, Lubwama G, Rutherford G, Ssenkusu J, Opio A, Campbell J

Access to harm reduction programs among persons who inject drugs: findings from a respondent-driven sampling survey in Tehran, Iran.

The International journal on drug policy

Rahnama R, Mohraz M, Mirzazadeh A, Rutherford G, McFarland W, Akbari G, Malekinejad M

Burden of HIV infection among children aged 18 months to 14 years in Kenya: results from a nationally representative population-based cross-sectional survey.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Ng'eno B, Mwangi A, Ng'ang'a L, Kim AA, Waruru A, Mukui I, Ngugi EW, Rutherford GW

Contraceptive practices and fertility desires among HIV-infected and uninfected women in Kenya: results from a nationally representative study.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Ngugi EW, Kim AA, Nyoka R, Ng'ang'a L, Mukui I, Ng'eno B, Rutherford GW

Kenya AIDS Indicator Survey 2012.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

De Cock KM, Rutherford GW, Akhwale W

Kenya AIDS Indicator Surveys 2007 and 2012: implications for public health policies for HIV prevention and treatment.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Maina WK, Kim AA, Rutherford GW, Harper M, K'Oyugi BO, Sharif S, Kichamu G, Muraguri NM, Akhwale W, De Cock KM

Mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Kenya: results from a nationally representative study.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Sirengo M, Muthoni L, Kellogg TA, Kim AA, Katana A, Mwanyumba S, Kimanga DO, Maina WK, Muraguri N, Elly B, Rutherford GW

Status of voluntary medical male circumcision in Kenya: findings from 2 nationally representative surveys in Kenya, 2007 and 2012.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Galbraith JS, Ochieng A, Mwalili S, Emusu D, Mwandi Z, Kim AA, Rutherford G, Maina WK, Kimanga DO, Chesang K, Cherutich P

Early initiation of antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected adults and adolescents: a systematic review.

AIDS (London, England)

Anglemyer A, Rutherford GW, Easterbrook PJ, Horvath T, Vitória M, Jan M, Doherty MC

Improving antiretroviral therapy scale-up and effectiveness through service integration and decentralization.

AIDS (London, England)

Suthar AB, Rutherford GW, Horvath T, Doherty MC, Negussie EK

Treatment of Kaposi sarcoma in children with HIV-1 infection.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Anglemyer A, Agrawal AK, Rutherford GW

Yellow fever vaccine for patients with HIV infection.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Barte H, Horvath TH, Rutherford GW

Underreporting of HIV transmission among men who have sex with men in the Ukraine.

AIDS research and human retroviruses

Spindler H, Salyuk T, Vitek C, Rutherford G

Effectiveness of prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission programmes in Kilimanjaro region, northern Tanzania.

Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH

Mwendo EM, Mtuy TB, Renju J, Rutherford GW, Nondi J, Sichalwe AW, Todd J

University students and the risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in Uganda: the Crane survey.

International journal of adolescent medicine and health

Rutherford GW, Anglemyer A, Bagenda D, Muyonga M, Lindan CP, Barker JL, Johnston L, Hladik W

Perceptions of child discipline and its contributions to child abuse in a low-income community in Nairobi, Kenya.

Paediatrics and international child health

Mudany MA, Nduati R, Mboori-Ngacha D, Rutherford GW

Ultrasound measurements of carotid intima-media thickness and plaque in HIV-infected patients on the Mediterranean diet.

Croatian medical journal

Viškovic K, Rutherford GW, Sudario G, Stemberger L, Brnic Z, Begovac J

Toxicity-related antiretroviral drug treatment modifications in individuals starting therapy: a cohort analysis of time patterns, sex, and other risk factors.

Medical science monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research

Perovic Mihanovic M, Haque NS, Rutherford GW, Zekan Š, Begovac J

Maternal risk factors for HIV infection in infants in northeastern Brazil.

International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases

de Lemos LM, Lippi J, Rutherford GW, Duarte GS, Martins NG, Santos VS, Gurgel RQ

Antiretroviral therapy for prevention of HIV transmission in HIV-discordant couples.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Anglemyer A, Rutherford GW, Horvath T, Baggaley RC, Egger M, Siegfried N

HIV among MSM in a large middle-income country.

AIDS (London, England)

Kerr LR, Mota RS, Kendall C, Pinho Ade A, Mello MB, Guimarães MD, Dourado I, de Brito AM, Benzaken A, McFarland W, Rutherford G

Is the rate of CD4 cell decline changing over time in antiretroviral-naïve patients?

AIDS patient care and STDs

Cardeal da Silva D, Casseb J, Mirzazadeh A, Arruda LB, Rutherford GW

Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among HIV-infected women in Brazil.

The Brazilian journal of infectious diseases : an official publication of the Brazilian Society of Infectious Diseases

Travassos AG, Brites C, Netto EM, Fernandes Sde A, Rutherford GW, Queiroz CM

HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis.

BMJ (Clinical research ed.)

Morin SF, Yamey G, Rutherford GW

Acquisition of GB virus type C and lower mortality in patients with advanced HIV disease.

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Vahidnia F, Petersen M, Stapleton JT, Rutherford GW, Busch M, Custer B

Mobile phone text messaging for promoting adherence to antiretroviral therapy in patients with HIV infection.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Horvath T, Azman H, Kennedy GE, Rutherford GW

Interventions to improve adherence to antiretroviral therapy in children with HIV infection.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Bain-Brickley D, Butler LM, Kennedy GE, Rutherford GW

Antiretroviral therapy for prevention of HIV transmission in HIV-discordant couples.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Anglemyer A, Rutherford GW, Baggaley RC, Egger M, Siegfried N

Antiretroviral drug resistance in a respondent-driven sample of HIV-infected men who have sex with men in Brazil.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Bermúdez-Aza EH, Kerr LR, Kendall C, Pinho AA, de Mello MB, Mota RS, Guimarães MD, Alencar CS, de Brito AM, Dourado IC, da Batista SM, Abreu F, de Oliveira LC, de Souza Moraes A, Benzaken AS, Merchan-Hamann E, de Freitas GM, McFarland W, Albuquerque E, Rutherford GW, Sabino E

Reliability of self-report of HIV status among men who have sex with men in Brazil.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Salani Mota RM, Sansigolo Kerr LR, Kendall C, Pinho A, de Mello MB, Dourado I, Guimarães MD, Brito A, Batista S, Abreu F, Benzaken A, Oliveira L, Moraes A, Merchan-Hamann E, Freitas G, Albuquerque EM, McFarland W, Rutherford G

Antiretroviral therapy for prevention of HIV transmission in HIV-discordant couples.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Anglemyer A, Rutherford GW, Egger M, Siegfried N

The public health impact of coccidioidomycosis in Arizona and California.

International journal of environmental research and public health

Hector RF, Rutherford GW, Tsang CA, Erhart LM, McCotter O, Anderson SM, Komatsu K, Tabnak F, Vugia DJ, Yang Y, Galgiani JN

Population-based biomedical sexually transmitted infection control interventions for reducing HIV infection.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Ng BE, Butler LM, Horvath T, Rutherford GW

Human herpesvirus 8 infection in children and adults in a population-based study in rural Uganda.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Butler LM, Were WA, Balinandi S, Downing R, Dollard S, Neilands TB, Gupta S, Rutherford GW, Mermin J

Depression and HIV in Botswana: a population-based study on gender-specific socioeconomic and behavioral correlates.

PloS one

Gupta R, Dandu M, Packel L, Rutherford G, Leiter K, Phaladze N, Korte FP, Iacopino V, Weiser SD

Public health triangulation: approach and application to synthesizing data to understand national and local HIV epidemics.

BMC public health

Rutherford GW, McFarland W, Spindler H, White K, Patel SV, Aberle-Grasse J, Sabin K, Smith N, Taché S, Calleja-Garcia JM, Stoneburner RL

Prevention of diarrhoea in children with HIV infection or exposure to maternal HIV infection.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Humphreys EH, Smith NA, Azman H, McLeod D, Rutherford GW

Optimal time for initiation of antiretroviral therapy in asymptomatic, HIV-infected, treatment-naive adults.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Siegfried N, Uthman OA, Rutherford GW

Developing WHO guidelines with pragmatic, structured, evidence-based processes: A case study.

Global public health

Chang LW, Kennedy CE, Kennedy GE, Lindegren ML, Marston BJ, Kaplan JE, Sweat MD, Bunnell RE, O'Reilly K, Rutherford GW, Mermin JH

Distant sequelae of traumatic brain injury: premature mortality and intracranial neoplasms.

The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation

Rutherford GW, Wlodarczyk RC

Long-term consequences of traumatic brain injury.

The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation

Rutherford GW, Corrigan JD

Estimating the healthcare burden of osteomyelitis in Uganda.

Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Stanley CM, Rutherford GW, Morshed S, Coughlin RR, Beyeza T

Correlates of unprotected receptive anal intercourse among gay and bisexual men: Kampala, Uganda.

AIDS and behavior

Raymond HF, Kajubi P, Kamya MR, Rutherford GW, Mandel JS, McFarland W

Race, place and AIDS: the role of socioeconomic context on racial disparities in treatment and survival in San Francisco.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Arnold M, Hsu L, Pipkin S, McFarland W, Rutherford GW

The role of breast-feeding in the prevention of Helicobacter pylori infection: a systematic review.

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Chak E, Rutherford GW, Steinmaus C

Assessment of ultrasound for use in detecting lipoatrophy in HIV-infected patients taking combination antiretroviral therapy.

AIDS patient care and STDs

Viskovic K, Richman I, Klasnic K, Hernandez A, Krolo I, Rutherford GW, Romih V, Begovac J

Interventions for preventing late postnatal mother-to-child transmission of HIV.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Horvath T, Madi BC, Iuppa IM, Kennedy GE, Rutherford G, Read JS

Condoms in concentrated and generalised HIV epidemics.

Lancet (London, England)

Rutherford GW

Think globally, act locally, and collaborate internationally: global health sciences at the University of California, San Francisco.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Macfarlane SB, Agabian N, Novotny TE, Rutherford GW, Stewart CC, Debas HT

Family structure and adolescent sexual behavior in a poor area of São Paulo, Brazil.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Peres CA, Rutherford G, Borges G, Galano E, Hudes ES, Hearst N

Insights from a survey of sexual behavior among a group of at-risk women in Tehran, Iran, 2006.

AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education

Hajiabdolbaghi M, Razani N, Karami N, Kheirandish P, Mohraz M, Rasoolinejad M, Arefnia K, Kourorian Z, Rutherford G, McFarland W

The effect of HIV on morbidity and mortality in children with severe malarial anaemia.

Malaria journal

Malamba S, Hladik W, Reingold A, Banage F, McFarland W, Rutherford G, Mimbe D, Nzaro E, Downing R, Mermin J

Gay and bisexual men in Kampala, Uganda.

AIDS and behavior

Kajubi P, Kamya MR, Raymond HF, Chen S, Rutherford GW, Mandel JS, McFarland W

Antiretroviral regimens for patients with HIV who fail first-line antiretroviral therapy.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Humphreys EH, Hernandez LB, Rutherford GW

Deaths and injuries attributed to infant crib bumper pads.

The Journal of pediatrics

Thach BT, Rutherford GW, Harris K

HIV risk behavior among injection drug users in Tehran, Iran.

Addiction (Abingdon, England)

Razani N, Mohraz M, Kheirandish P, Malekinejad M, Malekafzali H, Mokri A, McFarland W, Rutherford G

Estimating severe coccidioidomycosis in California.

Emerging infectious diseases

Flaherman VJ, Hector R, Rutherford GW

Prevalence, incidence and mortality associated with tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients initiating antiretroviral therapy in rural Uganda.

AIDS (London, England)

Moore D, Liechty C, Ekwaru P, Were W, Mwima G, Solberg P, Rutherford G, Mermin J

The public health need and present status of a vaccine for the prevention of coccidioidomycosis.

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

Hector R, Rutherford GW

Antiretroviral post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for occupational HIV exposure.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Young TN, Arens FJ, Kennedy GE, Laurie JW, Rutherford Gw

The epidemiology of HIV and AIDS in the world.

Collegium antropologicum

Bokazhanova A, Rutherford GW

Thyroid function and perchlorate in drinking water: an evaluation among California newborns, 1998.

Environmental health perspectives

Buffler PA, Kelsh MA, Lau EC, Edinboro CH, Barnard JC, Rutherford GW, Daaboul JJ, Palmer L, Lorey FW

Stavudine, lamivudine and nevirapine combination therapy for treatment of HIV infection and AIDS in adults.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Siegfried NL, Van Deventer PJ, Mahomed FA, Rutherford GW

The role of BCG in prevention of leprosy: a meta-analysis.

The Lancet. Infectious diseases

Setia MS, Steinmaus C, Ho CS, Rutherford GW

A meta-analysis of the effect of high weight on asthma.

Archives of disease in childhood

Flaherman V, Rutherford GW

Changes in sexual behavior and risk of HIV transmission after antiretroviral therapy and prevention interventions in rural Uganda.

AIDS (London, England)

Bunnell R, Ekwaru JP, Solberg P, Wamai N, Bikaako-Kajura W, Were W, Coutinho A, Liechty C, Madraa E, Rutherford G, Mermin J

Antifungal interventions for the primary prevention of cryptococcal disease in adults with HIV.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Chang LW, Phipps WT, Kennedy GE, Rutherford GW

Potential deterrent effect of name-based HIV infection surveillance.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Charlebois ED, Maiorana A, McLaughlin M, Koester K, Gaffney S, Rutherford GW, Morin SF

Pediatric acute lung injury: prospective evaluation of risk factors associated with mortality.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Flori HR, Glidden DV, Rutherford GW, Matthay MA

Opportunistic infections in hospitalized HIV-infected adults in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: a cross-sectional study.

International journal of STD & AIDS

Louie JK, Chi NH, Thao le TT, Quang VM, Campbell J, Chau NV, Rutherford GW, Farrar JJ, Parry CM

A matched case-control study evaluating the effectiveness of speed humps in reducing child pedestrian injuries.

American journal of public health

Tester JM, Rutherford GW, Wald Z, Rutherford MW

Population-based interventions for reducing sexually transmitted infections, including HIV infection.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Sangani P, Rutherford G, Wilkinson D

Primary congenital hypothyroidism, newborn thyroid function, and environmental perchlorate exposure among residents of a Southern California community.

Journal of occupational and environmental medicine

Kelsh MA, Buffler PA, Daaboul JJ, Rutherford GW, Lau EC, Barnard JC, Exuzides AK, Madl AK, Palmer LG, Lorey FW

Emerging HIV-1 epidemic in China in men who have sex with men.

Lancet (London, England)

Choi KH, Liu H, Guo Y, Han L, Mandel JS, Rutherford GW

Risk factors for incident HIV infection among anonymous HIV testing site clients in Santos, Brazil: 1996-1999.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Alves K, Shafer KP, Caseiro M, Rutherford G, Falcao ME, Sucupira MC, Busch MP, Rawal BD, Diaz RS

Three- or four- versus two-drug antiretroviral maintenance regimens for HIV infection.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Rutherford GW, Sangani PR, Kennedy GE

Skateboard-associated injuries: participation-based estimates and injury characteristics.

The Journal of trauma

Kyle SB, Nance ML, Rutherford GW, Winston FK

International collaboration in conducting systematic reviews: the Cochrane Collaborative Review Group on HIV Infection and AIDS.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Kennedy GE, Peersman G, Rutherford GW

Nonoxynol-9 for preventing vaginal acquisition of HIV infection by women from men.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Wilkinson D, Ramjee G, Tholandi M, Rutherford G

Nonoxynol-9 for preventing vaginal acquisition of sexually transmitted infections by women from men.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Wilkinson D, Ramjee G, Tholandi M, Rutherford G

The Cochrane HIV/AIDS review group and evidence-based practice in nursing.

The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANAC

Urbshott GB, Kennedy G, Rutherford G

Population-based interventions for reducing sexually transmitted infections, including HIV infection.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Wilkinson D, Rutherford G

Surveillance for incident HIV infection: new technology and new opportunities.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)

Rutherford GW, Schwarcz SK, McFarland W

Three- or four- versus two-drug antiretroviral maintenance regimens for HIV infection.

The Cochrane database of systematic reviews

Rutherford GW, Feldman KA, Kennedy GE

Research in the Veterans Health Administration: the report of the Research Realignment Advisory Committee.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Rutherford GW, Gerrity TR, Kizer KW, Feussner JR

Medicaid managed care and public health data.

Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974)

Rutherford GW, Backer HD

Truck drivers in Brazil: prevalence of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, risk behavior and potential for spread of infection.

AIDS (London, England)

Lacerda R, Gravato N, McFarland W, Rutherford G, Iskrant K, Stall R, Hearst N

Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a California State Prison, 1991.

American journal of public health

Koo DT, Baron RC, Rutherford GW

Fatiguing illness among employees in three large state office buildings, California, 1993: was there an outbreak?

Journal of psychiatric research

Shefer A, Dobbins JG, Fukuda K, Steele L, Koo D, Nisenbaum R, Rutherford GW

Risk factors for injuries from in-line skating and the effectiveness of safety gear.

The New England journal of medicine

Schieber RA, Branche-Dorsey CM, Ryan GW, Rutherford GW, Stevens JA, O'Neil J

Epidemiology and control of coccidioidomycosis in California.

The Western journal of medicine

Rutherford GW, Barrett MF

An outbreak of cholera from food served on an international aircraft.

Epidemiology and infection

Eberhart-Phillips J, Besser RE, Tormey MP, Koo D, Feikin D, Araneta MR, Wells J, Kilman L, Rutherford GW, Griffin PM, Baron R, Mascola L

Drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in California, 1991 to 1992.

The Western journal of medicine

Koo D, Royce S, Rutherford GW

HIV infection in women.

The Western journal of medicine

Araba-Owoyele LA, Hughes MJ, Rutherford GW

Lyme disease in northwestern coastal California.

The Western journal of medicine

Ley C, Davila IH, Mayer NM, Murray RA, Rutherford GW, Reingold AL

Measles epidemic from failure to immunize.

The Western journal of medicine

Dales LG, Kizer KW, Rutherford GW, Pertowski CA, Waterman SH, Woodford G

Determinants of survival in adult Brazilian AIDS patients, 1982-1989. The Brazilian State AIDS Program Co-Ordinators.

AIDS (London, England)

Chequer P, Hearst N, Hudes ES, Castilho E, Rutherford G, Loures L, Rodrigues L

Mesocestoides (Cestoda) infection in a California child.

The Pediatric infectious disease journal

Schultz LV, Roberto RR, Rutherford GW, Hummert B, Lubell I

Progression and clinical outcome of infection due to human immunodeficiency virus.

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Lifson AR, Hessol NA, Rutherford GW

Cysticercosis: first 12 months of reporting in California.

Bulletin of the Pan American Health Organization

Ehnert KL, Roberto RR, Barrett L, Sorvillo FJ, Rutherford GW

Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus, San Francisco, 1981-1989.

Annals of neurology

Gillespie SM, Chang Y, Lemp G, Arthur R, Buchbinder S, Steimle A, Baumgartner J, Rando T, Neal D, Rutherford G

The draft lottery and AIDS: evidence against increased intravenous drug use by Vietnam-era veterans.

American journal of epidemiology

Hearst N, Buehler JW, Newman TB, Rutherford GW

Partner notification and the control of human immunodeficiency virus infection. Two years of experience in San Francisco.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Rutherford GW, Woo JM, Neal DP, Rauch KJ, Geoghegan C, McKinney KC, McGee J, Lemp GF

HIV seroconversion in two homosexual men after receptive oral intercourse with ejaculation: implications for counseling concerning safe sexual practices.

American journal of public health

Lifson AR, O'Malley PM, Hessol NA, Buchbinder SP, Cannon L, Rutherford GW

Course of HIV-I infection in a cohort of homosexual and bisexual men: an 11 year follow up study.

BMJ (Clinical research ed.)

Rutherford GW, Lifson AR, Hessol NA, Darrow WW, O'Malley PM, Buchbinder SP, Barnhart JL, Bodecker TW, Cannon L, Doll LS

The role of human immunodeficiency virus infection in pneumococcal bacteremia in San Francisco residents.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Redd SC, Rutherford GW, Sande MA, Lifson AR, Hadley WK, Facklam RR, Spika JS

Human immunodeficiency virus infection in tuberculosis patients.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Theuer CP, Hopewell PC, Elias D, Schecter GF, Rutherford GW, Chaisson RE

Projections of AIDS morbidity and mortality in San Francisco.


Lemp GF, Payne SF, Rutherford GW, Hessol NA, Winkelstein W, Wiley JA, Moss AR, Chaisson RE, Chen RT, Feigal DW

Detection of human immunodeficiency virus DNA using the polymerase chain reaction in a well-characterized group of homosexual and bisexual men.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Lifson AR, Stanley M, Pane J, O'Malley PM, Wilber JC, Stanley A, Jeffery B, Rutherford GW, Sohmer PR

Kaposi's sarcoma in a cohort of homosexual and bisexual men. Epidemiology and analysis for cofactors.

American journal of epidemiology

Lifson AR, Darrow WW, Hessol NA, O'Malley PM, Barnhart JL, Jaffe HW, Rutherford GW

Survival trends for patients with AIDS.


Lemp GF, Payne SF, Neal D, Temelso T, Rutherford GW

Impact of AIDS on mortality in San Francisco, 1979-1986.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes

Saunders LD, Rutherford GW, Lemp GF, Barnhart JL

Kaposi's sarcoma among homosexual and bisexual men enrolled in the San Francisco City Clinic Cohort Study.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes

Lifson AR, Darrow WW, Hessol NA, O'Malley PM, Barnhart L, Jaffe HW, Rutherford GW

Relationship between AIDS latency period and AIDS survival time in homosexual and bisexual men.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes

Hessol NA, Byers RH, Lifson AR, O'Malley PM, Cannon L, Barnhart JL, Harrison JS, Rutherford GW

Survival following diagnosis of Kaposi's sarcoma for AIDS patients in San Francisco.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes

Payne SF, Lemp GF, Rutherford GW

The epidemiology of AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma in San Francisco.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes

Rutherford GW, Payne SF, Lemp GF

Phase I study of low-dose zidovudine and acyclovir in asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus seropositive individuals.

The American journal of medicine

Hollander H, Lifson AR, Maha M, Blum R, Rutherford GW, Nusinoff-Lehrman S

Prevalence, incidence, and progression of human immunodeficiency virus infection in homosexual and bisexual men in hepatitis B vaccine trials, 1978-1988.

American journal of epidemiology

Hessol NA, Lifson AR, O'Malley PM, Doll LS, Jaffe HW, Rutherford GW

Neurological and neuropsychological manifestations of HIV-1 infection: association with AIDS-related complex but not asymptomatic HIV-1 infection.

Annals of neurology

Janssen RS, Saykin AJ, Cannon L, Campbell J, Pinsky PF, Hessol NA, O'Malley PM, Lifson AR, Doll LS, Rutherford GW

The epidemiology of AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma in San Francisco.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Rutherford GW, Schwarcz SK, Lemp GF, Barnhart JL, Rauch KJ, Warner WL, Piland TH, Werdegar D

Evaluation of AIDS prevention and control programs.

AIDS (London, England)

Stoller EJ, Rutherford GW

The epidemiology of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

Immunology series

Rutherford GW, Werdegar D

Use of hospitals by patients with AIDS in San Francisco.

The New England journal of medicine

Chen RT, Rutherford GW, Payne SF, Barnhart JL, Lemp GF, Baskett LH

The epidemiology of AIDS in Asian and Pacific Islander populations in San Francisco.

AIDS (London, England)

Woo JM, Rutherford GW, Payne SF, Barnhart JL, Lemp GF

The natural history of human immunodeficiency virus infection.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Lifson AR, Rutherford GW, Jaffe HW

A model-based estimate of the mean incubation period for AIDS in homosexual men.

Science (New York, N.Y.)

Lui KJ, Darrow WW, Rutherford GW

Estimating AIDS infection rates in the San Francisco cohort.

AIDS (London, England)

Byers RH, Morgan WM, Darrow WW, Doll L, Jaffe HW, Rutherford G, Hessol N, O'Malley PM

Guidelines for the control of human immunodeficiency virus infection in adolescents.

The Western journal of medicine

Oliva GE, Rutherford GW, Grossman M, Shalwitz J, English A, Taylor F, Werdegar D

Survival patterns of the first 500 patients with AIDS in San Francisco.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Bacchetti P, Osmond D, Chaisson RE, Dritz S, Rutherford GW, Swig L, Moss AR

Incidence of salmonellosis in patients with AIDS.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Celum CL, Chaisson RE, Rutherford GW, Barnhart JL, Echenberg DF

Tuberculosis in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Clinical features, response to therapy, and survival.

The American review of respiratory disease

Chaisson RE, Schecter GF, Theuer CP, Rutherford GW, Echenberg DF, Hopewell PC

Male-to-female transmission of human immunodeficiency virus.


Padian N, Marquis L, Francis DP, Anderson RE, Rutherford GW, O'Malley PM, Winkelstein W

Guidelines for the control of perinatally transmitted human immunodeficiency virus infection and care of infected mothers, infants and children.

The Western journal of medicine

Rutherford GW, Oliva GE, Grossman M, Green JR, Wara DW, Shaw NS, Echenberg DF, Wofsy CB, Weinstein DH, Stroud F

The proportion of cases of AIDS diagnosed in outpatients.


Rauch KJ, Rutherford GW, Echenberg DF

A population-based study of hemolytic-uremic syndrome in Oregon, 1979-1982.

American journal of epidemiology

Rogers MF, Rutherford GW, Alexander SR, DiLiberti JH, Foster L, Schonberger LB, Hurwitz ES

Outbreak of paralytic poliomyelitis, Taiwan.

Lancet (London, England)

Kim-Farley RJ, Rutherford G, Lichfield P, Hsu ST, Orenstein WA, Schonberger LB, Bart KJ, Lui KJ, Lin CC