Patrick Phillips, PhD, MS, MA
The objective of my research is to design, implement, and optimize clinical trials for new treatments for drug-sensitive and drug-resistant tuberculosis in order to deliver safer and more efficacious regimens for patients. A key focus of my research has been to improve the design of TB clinical trials so that regimen development is faster and more efficient. This was motivated by my PhD thesis evaluating surrogate endpoints for TB trials, and has grown in a number of areas through the various collaborations and consortia that I contribute to. As Senior Statistician at the MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL, I have gained extensive experience as senior biostatistician of record for phase II and phase III clinical trials in both drug sensitive and drug resistant TB. I led the analyses of the REMoxTB and RIFAQUIN trials, published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2014, and am senior statistician for the STREAM trials in MDR-TB that are ongoing. I have extended and implemented adaptive designs in clinical trials, most notable the Multi-Arm Multi-Stage (MAMS) design in the PanACEA MAMS-TB trial and the TRUNCATE-TB trial. Whereas my focus is primarily on TB trials, I have also worked in trials in Alzheimer’s disease and regularly contribute to the design and thinking of colleagues’ research in HIV and other infectious diseases of global significance.
UCSF Center for Tuberculosis Leadership & Initiatives:
UC TRAC Clinical & Population Health Science Co-Director
TB RAMP Mentor / Executive Committee Member
SMART4TB UCSF Lead, Therapeutics
World TB Day Oversight Planning Committee Member