BMJ open

Couples motivational interviewing with mobile breathalysers to reduce alcohol use in South Africa: a pilot randomised controlled trial of Masibambisane.

BMJ open

Msimango L, Butterfield R, Starks TJ, van Heerden A, Neilands TB, Hahn JA, Chibi B, Humphries H, Conroy AA

Efficacy of alcohol reduction interventions among people with HIV as evaluated by self-report and a phosphatidylethanol (PEth) outcome: protocol for a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis.

BMJ open

Kane JC, Allen I, Fatch R, Scheffler A, Emenyonu N, Puryear SB, Chirayil P, So-Armah K, Kahler CW, Magidson JF, Conroy AA, Edelman EJ, Woolf-King S, Parry C, Kiene SM, Chamie G, Adong J, Go VF, Cook RL, Muyindike W, Morojele N, Blokhina E, Krupitsky E, Fiellin DA, Hahn JA

Innovative COVID-19 point-of-care diagnostics suitable for tuberculosis diagnosis: a scoping review protocol.

BMJ open

Yerlikaya S, Holtgrewe LM, Broger T, Isaacs C, Nahid P, Cattamanchi A, Denkinger CM

Evaluating the impact of a multicountry interprofessional training programme to improve HIV knowledge and clinical confidence among healthcare workers in sub-Saharan Africa: a cohort study

BMJ open

Kiguli-Malwadde, Elsie
Forster, Maeve
Martin, Shayanne
Chilemba, Evelyn
Couper, Ian
Motlhatlhedi, Keneilwe
Celentano, Jessica
Haruzivishe, Clara
Sears, David
Budak, Jehan Z.
Khanyola, Judy N.
Von Zinkernagel, Deborah
Molwantwa, Mmoloki
Semitala, Fred
de Villiers, Marietjie
Kazembe, Abigail
Reid, MJA

Food insecurity and the risk of HIV acquisition: findings from population-based surveys in six sub-Saharan African countries (2016-2017).

BMJ open

Low A, Gummerson E, Schwitters A, Bonifacio R, Teferi M, Mutenda N, Ayton S, Juma J, Ahpoe C, Ginindza C, Patel H, Biraro S, Sachathep K, Hakim AJ, Barradas D, Hassani AS, Kirungi W, Jackson K, Goeke L, Philips N, Mulenga L, Ward J, Hong S, Rutherford G, Findley S

Simplifying TREAtment and Monitoring for HIV (STREAM HIV): protocol for a randomised controlled trial of point-of-care urine tenofovir and viral load testing to improve HIV outcomes.

BMJ open

Bardon AR, Dorward J, Sookrajh Y, Sayed F, Quame-Amaglo J, Pillay C, Feutz E, Ngobese H, Simoni JM, Sharma M, Cressey TR, Gandhi M, Lessells R, Moodley P, Naicker N, Naidoo K, Thomas K, Celum C, Abdool Karim S, Garrett N, Drain PK

Relationship between food insecurity and smoking status among women living with and at risk for HIV in the USA: a cohort study.

BMJ open

Sheira LA, Frongillo EA, Hahn J, Palar K, Riley ED, Wilson TE, Adedimeji A, Merenstein D, Cohen M, Wentz EL, Adimora AA, Ofotokun I, Metsch L, Turan JM, Tien PC, Weiser SD

Tuberculosis care cascade in Zambia - identifying the gaps in order to improve outcomes: a population-based analysis.

BMJ open

Lungu P, Kerkhoff AD, Kasapo CC, Mzyece J, Nyimbili S, Chimzizi R, Silumesii A, Kagujje M, Subbaraman R, Muyoyeta M, Malama K
