Please note the following funding opportunities available through the UCSF Center for Tuberculosis and its programs/initiatives:
Pilot Awards for Mentored Scientists in TB Research
Pilot awards are solicited on a bi-annual basis for early-stage investigators in TB research at UCSF and UC Berkeley. Awardees are auto-enrolled into the Center's TB Research And Mentorship Program (TB RAMP). Awards are co-funded by UC TRAC and TB RAMP.
See Mentored Scientists eligibility.
Deadlines occur in February/March and September/October each year.
Deadline: TBD, Spring 2025
Accelerator Awards in TB Basic Science
UC TRAC is soliciting applications for Accelerator Awards in TB Science. Accelerator Awards will be granted up to three times per year to early-stage and new-to-TB investigators and dispersed as salary support (voucher) for BSL-3 trained personnel who will perform the necessary experiments of the awardee. Applications are considered in March, July, and November.
Deadline: Applications accepted on a rolling basis
UC TRAC Global Fellowship
The UC TRAC Global Fellowship is a mentoring and training opportunity for Early-Stage Investigators (ESIs) engaged in Tuberculosis-focused research, who are from and working in LMIC countries with a high burden of TB, and have an established mentor in TB science at UCSF-UC Berkeley. This opportunity, granted by the University of California Tuberculosis Research Advancement Center (UC TRAC) with funding from NIH/NIAID will provide mentorship, capacity-building, enrollment in TB RAMP and a professional development pilot award (link to flyer).
Deadline: TBD, Spring 2025
TB Research Boost Award
The TB Research Boost Award provides small grants with a rapid turnaround to support individuals within the UC TRAC (UCSF and UC Berkeley) TB research community. This program provides reimbursement of direct purchases of $5,000 per award and encourages investigators who are underrepresented in health sciences, or who have overcome systemic barriers to apply (see Eligibility Criteria below). Four (4) TB Research Boost Awards are available in the Spring 2023. Future TB Research Boost Award opportunities will be contingent upon funding availability.
Deadline: TBA as funding is available
NIH funding opportunities for TB
Slide deck shared by NIH sharing RFAs and deadlines (as of 9/25/24).